Monday, September 11, 2006
Document Examiner - Patricia Catherine Florence JAMES
- A yellow coloured NCR copy of a NZ Post consignment note billing EE 130 719 442 NZ
- A piece of paper with handwritten text beginning Brisbanes homestead...
- A piece of paper with handwritten text beginning Parnell 09 379...
- A letter to Detective Beal dated 21 March 2005
- The handwriting on all three questioned documents has been fluently completed and shows no evidence of features commonly associated with copying or disguise.
- There are a number of similarities between the handwriting specimen attributed to Caroline Aroh and the questioned note with text beginning Parnell 09 379...
These similarities are in GROSS and SUBTLE features such as writing style, slop, speed, size and size relationships and individual letter constructions.
Based on these similarities I concluded the author of the handwriting specimen attributed to Caroline Aroh completed the questioned note with text beginning Parnell 09 379...
Authorship of specific entries on these documents was in question. Patricia JAMES concluded that the author of the handwriting belonging to Caroline Aroh, completed the questioned note with text beginning Parnell 09 379...
Patricia JAMES, obviously does not know the meaning of GROSS and SUBTLE thereby I do not agree with the report. It will be contested at trial.
View - archives 08/31/06
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Warning to ASB Customers
In a report Mr Pile states on the 25 January 2003, an account 12-3216-003572-00 was opened with the ASB in the name of Frank Onyebu Aroh. A signatory to this account was a person by the name of Caroline Rangiata.
On the 5 April 2004, record showed a cash deposit into the Frank Aroh account 12-3216-0035572-00 Ausralian $2,300.00 to $NZ2.561.53 after the exchange rate had been taken into account.
Mr Pile gave evidence on the 21 Febuary and again on the 18 October 2006 at the Auckland High Court stating that a 3rd party deposited money without filling a deposit slip into Frank Aroh ASB account. I have made enquiries into this matter and have found a computerised receipt can only be done by the holder of the account and a 3rd party would have to fill out a deposit slip therefore Mr Pile lied on oath at the High Court of Auckland. Mr Pile was the Crowns witness.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Igbo Transcript Translated Incorrectly-Translator lives in NZ
On the, 2 November 2005, at "callover" at the Auckland High Court, Mr Peter Kaye admitted, 'The Translator' had done a runner.
Frank Aroh claims the Telephone Transcript has been translated wrong. The language Frank, and Mike are speaking is Edda, Afikpo, a dialect of Nigeria. A pretrial heard-9 November 2005, 'The Crown' bought over from Australia a Translator to give evidence. Eric Njoku claims to have translated the transcript, and denied there ever being Edda dialect. A list of 10 Edda words given to Mr Njoku to translate 'he could not, who said the words were made up. The Crown hired Nigerian, Godson Nwachukwu who tutors at the University of London in linguist Languages to give evidence through 'Telephone Conference' Godson initially sided with the Crown then changed, and agreed with Frank, but the 'Judge ruling' went in favor of the Crown. Frank immediately appealed the ruling to the Court of Appeal. A date was set to be heard 13 September 2006. It has since been adjourned.
The Nigerian Embassy of Australia has confirmed the 'Edda dialect' and many Nigerians do not understand or speak, another's dialect, and there is no Edda dictionary. A Nigerian Edda speaking 'Translator' living in New Zealand has admitted, parts of the transcript was translated wrong.
On the 9 September 2006, In the presense of Frank Aroh 'Edda Translator' Patience Unugha' asked to cancel the meeting. She asked to listen to the CD to reconfirm the translated transcript is correct. The 10 Edda words are Edda dialect, and are confirmed. Patience, is the wife of Godfrey Unugha, the original translator who did a runner.
Conclusion: You only have to read the facts to know Mr Frank Aroh is a victim of racial discrimination by our Police, Lawyers, and its biggest supporter 'The Crown' How come the NZ-Police chose not to talk with the Nigerian Embassy, and why did the Police go about to hire Translators from abroad when Translators are in NZ (who is trying to fool who)
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Breach of Privacy Act
Response (Eddie Lal) NZ-Post, there will be a full investigation on your behalf and to ascertain why this occurred. I was asked to send both envelopes. (2) photo's of the envelopes were sent via email. Mr Lal insisted I send the originals by post 'I bluntly refused. The (2) photo's were clear as daylight there was no need to send the originals.
It is 11mths since I have heard any word from NZ-Post.
17 Page Summary
Frank, asked me to hand the 17 page Summary to Lawyer Peter Kaye, 8 June 2005. I was informed, 'Mike Beal was to lay charges because of the Telephone abuse. I said fine, read the Summary thats why I did it. I trusted Mr Peter Kaye, only to regret it later. The Summary was revealed to Police. I received a new lot of Police Disclosures some belonging to people unknown to us who are in prison.The witnesses, police,customs had gone about to change their statements with no Letter heading, time, dates, signatures. Thank God we have the originals.
On the 20 June 2005, 'Depositions' at the Auckland District Court, Frank, and I appeared in court. Prosecutor J.C.Gordon withdrew 2 charges. Mr Kaye was not present, Lawyer Hugh Leabourne acted for Frank, and myself. One of Two Judges asked Frank, do you plea guilty or not guilty...Frank replys not guilty Sir" with reasons, can you imagine your Lawyer telling his client to shosh in the court. I do not understand why the Judge did not ask Frank to explain "the reasons" and that in itself a concern of mine.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
The Lead Up To My Arrest.

22 April 2005, 11.50am.
Received a phone call from Detective Jane Scott to go into Harlech House to be interviewed. I told her to go jump in the lake.
12.20pm, Barrister Lorraine Smith phoned me to say, Detective Jane Scott is going to charge me but did not know on what grounds. Asked Lorraine, what is the charge she declined but would contact me later in the day, Lorraine Smith was counsel for Frank Aroh.
1pm, Lorraine Smith phoned me to say, the charge is Exportation. It was arranged by the Police, and Lorraine' for me to appear at the Auckland Central Police station at 8am, 27 April 2005. Lorraine, assured me I would get bail. Detective Jane Scott had given her word.
25 April 2005-ANZAC DAY
It was arranged, to meet with Lorraine Smith at the Auckland Central Remand Prison at 11.30am. She was interviewing Frank the whole morning. She took me, and my son to lunch at the Sierra Cafe in Ponsonby along with Frank files which I thought was supposed to be strictly confidential. These were placed on a table outside, for the public to see. Lorraines, friend came to our table, saw the files, and made a comment 'oh, not another one.
Lorraine Smith did not understand why I was being charged but proceeded to pull out the Police Caption Summary. Lorraine went inside the cafe, to order before returning to discuss my charge. I was asked to file a complaint in, which I did in 2004. Lorraine says 'Oh, that is why you are being charged' she went back into the cafe, and left me outside. I remember while waiting, I looked up across to another table, and saw what seemed like a 'undercover' watching me.
Lorraine, returned to the table. We left to go sit inside the cafe, where we spoke of a stungun, and the racial remark in Frank statement. He drew a stungun exact to 'ones' used by NZ Customs. Lorraine said 'Detective Sgt Mike Beal' was a unhappy chappy, and did not like dealing with Harlech House. She also mentioned (the Police will go to jail for this) which means the truth was known, she did nothing to stop it. Lorraine Smith later resigned from representing Frank, and myself.
On the 28 March 2004
I took a trip to Brisbane, and stayed at the Brisbanes Homestead backpackers sharing a room with others. After arriving at my place of stay I had jetlag so I slept it off. When I awoke it was the evening. I phoned back to Frank in NZ to let him know I was safe...Frank told me, to expect a parcel, and to enjoy them. I was surprised but thought nomore of it. I received the parcel on the 30 March 2004, with a CUSTOMS TAPE placed over the package. These were seven(7)Christianity books. Frank, posted the parcel from the Mt Roskil, NZ-Post on the 26 March 2004, and the parcel departed NZ, 27 March 2004. The parcel past through NEW ZEALAND and AUSTRALIAN CUSTOMS not once but twice. I have the books but the Police suspect otherwise. I am jointly charged with Frank for Exportation of classA drug(with no name) I am defending the charge.
On the 21 February 2006, the Crown prosecutor J.C.Gordon gave to the Jury their Chronology of events, it was through the report we discovered the books I collected in Brisbane were childrens books, and the 'drug name' is cocaine...well blow you J.C.Gordon... Since when did you become a "soothsayer" Are those not the same books, belonging to drug dealers who have previously been convicted (OPERATION JORDAN ring a bell)
Initials forged by Detective Mark Rowbottom & Lawyer Mark Edgar

There is (2) copies of the statement which was located among the files given to Lawyer, Hugh Leabourne. One copy has the stamp of the Crown Exihibit up in the right hand corner where as the original copy has the address of Harlech House.
1. There is 5 pages of the statement with initials FA - It is fictious
2. The last page of the statement is signed Onyebu (Frank Aroh) - Original
The 2 statements will be revealed during trial.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Telecom Analyst in the Network Operations Group
Raymond James NORTON, holds a NZ qualification of Engineering in Communications, and is a registered Engineering Associate.
Duties include providing the NZ Police Department with call data relating to specific telephones numbers pursuant to search warrants and call data warrants.
Mr Norton, forgot to mention that he works as a Police witness for (Harlech House DRUG Squad) who give evidence at trials, he also fabricates phone numbers in support of the Police, here is a example:
In Mr Norton report shows the telephone number 0800443982 is used to connect to 0061101460144 in Australia...International Directory states that 0061 is the code for Australia but the rest of the number 101460144 is fictitious. Mr Norton gave evidence on the 22 February 2006, and lied on oath, he was one witness Trial was adjourned.
Tax Payers Money
Each prisoner, gain $6000 every month, and that is $1,500 perweek, that does not include the trips to court, and back. How many good New Zealander earn that much, not even a beneficiary with 1 child, get that much. What the hell is wrong with our Prime Minister Helen Clark....Don Brash you nailed it, our Government is Corrupt.
Complaints Authority
Thursday, August 31, 2006

On the 19 July 2005, I made enquiries to NZ Post, and spoke to Customer Service Representative Ana Fialua, in regard to the International Air Track and Trace Number non existent, rather its correct function was ....CC130719442NZ....item was sent standard International Airmail as indicated by the CC code through the Mt Roskil NZ Post.
Detective Jane Scott, went out to maliciously fabricate the billing consignment (wickedness) I suspect Jayalakshmi KAYARAT was paid off, like all witnesses, must earn their money. She was another witness why the trial was adjourned.
Remanded to Mt Eden Prison(mens)
The van arrived at the prison we got out, and was lead to a room by a guard where you were stripped, and searched. It took awhile before it was my turn, I was the last. I followed the guard into the room I was asked to strip, and I did.........I watched the guard walk around, looking at me from top to bottom, I was asked to bend over (the officer knew) I got lippy with the guard, he attacked me with closed fists. Well, after experiencing a hiding I revealed my true identity in which a nurses came from the womans division, and escorted me back.
I do not know if an enquiry was made into the assault that took place that fatal day but I suspect Mt Eden Prison Managment kept it quiet.
NZ POLICE JOB SHEET - operation Jordan
Our marriage certificate was confiscated from my home 30 August 2004, it records my previous dissolution of marriage back in July 2002. I since remarried. Frank, passport was analysed in which it is real, his birth certificate states Zimbabewe citizen, but he groomed in Nigeria. There was no alert against his name, and Frank did apply for residency (so-what)
Wrote a letter of complaint to the New Zealand Immigration Service about Mr Macdonald, only to recieve a letter, Mr Macdonald was only doing his job 'fine, do your job but do it properly, dont write or listen to bullcrap. Mr Macdonald put a hold on Frank residency application.
Detective G.D.Mitchell is not even a witness he has done a runner because the slimeball knew he was in the wrong.