Thursday, August 31, 2006


NZ POLICE JOB SHEET - operation Jordan

Detective G.D.Mitchell of Harlech House Otahuhu, spoke to the New Zealand Immigration Service Donald MACDONALD in regard to Frank Aroh of using a fraudulent Zimbabewe passport, and that he was Nigerian, there is alert against his name, and he is applying for residency through the marriage. Mrs Caroline Aroh is being suspected of bigamy.

Our marriage certificate was confiscated from my home 30 August 2004, it records my previous dissolution of marriage back in July 2002. I since remarried. Frank, passport was analysed in which it is real, his birth certificate states Zimbabewe citizen, but he groomed in Nigeria. There was no alert against his name, and Frank did apply for residency (so-what)

Wrote a letter of complaint to the New Zealand Immigration Service about Mr Macdonald, only to recieve a letter, Mr Macdonald was only doing his job 'fine, do your job but do it properly, dont write or listen to bullcrap. Mr Macdonald put a hold on Frank residency application.

Detective G.D.Mitchell is not even a witness he has done a runner because the slimeball knew he was in the wrong.

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