Saturday, August 26, 2006
Stun-gun illegally used with racial comments made by Officers of the Law

On the 30 August 2004, Detective Mark Rowbottom, Custom officer Richard Carr were present in the master bedroom, Frank was standing stark naked, he was asked not to move by Richard Carr who used a stungun to pick up a pair of underwear for Frank. On the way to the vehicle Frank was escorted to the rear of the car alone. Mark Rowbottom sat in the front with Richard Carr driving the vehicle to Harlech House. Mr Rowbottom began to ask Frank questions (we have been watching you for sometime so anything you say I will know whether or not you are liaring) I want to know your full name, the year you traveled to NZ, and employment. Mr Rowbottom asked Frank hrly rate of pay, he replied $25.00. Mr Rowbottom turns to look at Frank, and says 'you black cunt' you earn more money than me in my country, and intimidated Frank by raising the stun-gun to point it at him, and it was illegal.
A pretrial heard in late 2005, inregard to the stungun/racial remarks in which Mr Rowbottom and Mr Richard Carr denied in court. Yes, the Judge ruled in favor of the Crown. Frank, represented himself, reasons being 'previous Lawyers' were lobbied by the Police.
Frank was arrested, 30 August 2004, and Caroline was arrested, 27 April 2005, in order to be gagged, and to be used' but it did not work out for Police. I will fight with my last breath, and by the grace of God, we will both walk the courts.